
5 Steps to Building Mental Toughness

1. When the alarm hits, sit-up and get out of bed first thing! 2. Trust your coach. 3. Don’t be afraid to be alone. 4. Do not let SMMF or CHIPPERS get in your head! 5. Quit being soft, put in the foot work, remember it is a process, and get it F’n done!!!

Five Stages of Learning

Without an understanding of the stages of learning, a manager may think that more than enough time and resources have been spent training someone and are then disappointed when the level of knowledge is less than desired.  Or worse, the subject area being trained, if new, is discarded as being without merit because results are …

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Insight into our warm-ups

Our warm-up is a Functional Movement Warm-Up. The Method is the product of an a few exercise philosophy, one is known as Functional Movement Systems. These exercise philosophy and corresponding set of resources is based on sound science, years of innovation, and a shit tone of current research. Our warm up simplifies the concept of …

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Increased Work Capacity

Work capacity is the ability to perform work, which determines your level of fitness that will, and in turn, will determine your level of preparedness. It’s an issue for people in contact sports and in the military. In fact, off-season weightlifters, off-season athletes, and pretty much everybody and anybody could and would benefit from improving …

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