Insight into our warm-ups

Our warm-up is a Functional Movement Warm-Up. The Method is the product of an a few exercise philosophy, one is known as Functional Movement Systems. These exercise philosophy and corresponding set of resources is based on sound science, years of innovation, and a shit tone of current research. Our warm up simplifies the concept of movement and its impact on the body. It is a streamlined system that has benefits for everyone involved, all individuals from sport professionals, to average joy.

Communication – The warm-up utilizes simple language, making it easy for everyone.

Evaluation – The warm up is a screening that effortlessly identifies asymmetries and limitations, diminishing the need for extensive testing and analysis.

Standardization – The warm up creates a functional fitness baseline to mark progress and provides a means to measure performance and movement patterns.

Safety – The warm up quickly identifies dangerous movement patterns so that they can be addressed. It also indicates any hot messes and any individual’s readiness to perform exercise and it helps the coach set realistic goals that can be achieved.

Corrective Strategies – The warm up can be applied to any fitness level, simplifying corrective strategies of a wide array of movement issues. It has exercise that identifies specific weakness based on each individual to instantly create customized treatment plans.