Linear Progression

So what is Linear Progression, you ask… Linear progression is a strength training method that
has been used successfully for years throughout the world to build a foundation of strength in
athletes. I was first introduced to the idea by Mark Rippetoe at a cert in 2005. I also stayed with
him for a few weeks and learned how to warm up by drinking coffee. That stuff isn’t worthless;
far from it. I just want to remind everyone (myself included) that the un-sexy, tried-and-true
method of just putting more weight on the bar or adding a rep week to week, works, and not just
for newbies. It works for everybody!
Many people have short memories in the iron and fitness game, so we’re seduced by whatever
program the best lifters or CrossFiter of today are using, in the meantime forgetting the
programming of legends like Ed Coan, Doug Furnas, Werner Gunthor, Fred Hatfield, Norbert
Schemansky, and Lamar Gant. These guys would pick a meet and over 12 or 16 weeks, they’d
just add weight and reps to the bar every week until they were primed to hit PRs on meet day. It’s
time to revisit those simpler days and techniques.
This week is week 3. This is our last week before we deload on week 4. We are going to hit a 12
rep max this week. Try and match what you hit for 10 even if you need a spot or push presto
negative the last 2 reps! This week we will have goat work outs but you might be working on a
set track so be ready for some a and b options with some good old fashion push and pull.